“I really like your mapping style – very impressive. There is a terrific amount of information both on and adjacent to the subject property. Your call-outs are descriptive and concise without occluding any graphics – not always easy to do. Your attention to detail both graphically and with text is very refreshing and certainly appreciated. Thanks again for the great work and timely completion of the map.”
David R. Provencher
Project Manager
Coastline Consulting & Development, LLC
“You are a valuable partner in these projects. As we work with other surveyors in other states, we are often reminded of how competent and professional you are relative to others.”
Paul Woodworth, CERP
Fluvial Geomorphologist,
Sr. Project Manager
Princeton Hydro
“Thanks for your support on this project. Hiring surveyors across the country provides us with an opportunity to see different quality levels and pricing. All of the quality levels are generally quite good, you were very good. You know your local market better than I, but from my perspective, I would encourage you to increase your rates; you are worth it and deserve it.”
Stephen Slater, Principal
Blu Croix Ltd.
“Our plans have come a long way and that cross-section was critical. We will have to have you do that on all our dam removals in the future –a detailed annotated cross-section of the face of the dam.”
-A valued client, upon receiving his map
“Thank you! I had no idea a map could be so detailed and incorporate so many different textures and types of lines! We are very pleased with the surveying work and will definitely recommend you to our neighbors.”
-A valued client, upon receiving her map
“Thank you, your crew was very nice to deal with and treated us and our property with respect. We appreciate that there are still firms out there like yours.”
-A valued client, upon completion of his house survey