Franklin Surveys was tasked by a major telecommunications company to provide updated lease area exhibits in support of their updated operating agreements. This utility project involved visiting nearly two dozen existing cellular facilities, in an area encompassing all 8 of Connecticut’s counties.
This work afforded us some excellent views of the state, as many of the facilities were rooftop-based, generally on the highest building in the vicinity. For each cell facility, we surveyed visible changes made subsequent to the last lease exhibit plat of record.
Overlooking Meriden Downtown New Haven and Long Island Sound Cell Tower Antenna Array
Given variable site conditions, a variety of different equipment was utilized, including robotic EDM total stations and RTK GPS receivers as well as graduated tapes and other conventional measuring equipment.
On our site visits, the intent was not to perform a comprehensive property/boundary survey but rather to identify substantial visible changes, such as the removal or placement of new equipment. We also verified dimensions between features and obtained new measurements where required to accurately portray features on the updated lease plats. We are appreciative of the opportunity to showcase our abilities on a type of project that some might not instantly associate with land surveying.
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